It's Raining

It's raining.

Lashing down upon the shutters
As if trying to force its way
Into my sheltered life.
What fury with which it patters
And rattles through the day,
Each drop like a liquid knife.

It's raining.

Obscuring the morning sun
Quenching, yet drowning
So divine and so gory.
Love and Hate become one
A violence so serene,
Entwining with the morning glory.

It's raining.

I put out my hand
Feel ecstasy in every sting
Both shackled and carefree.
A Candle or a firebrand?
Both and yet nothing,
A paradox overpowering me.

It's raining.

I step into the hail
Of liquid bullet kisses
Wounding my face.
My vision starts to fail
And I know that this is
Life and Death in one embrace.

It's raining.

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